Thursday, August 20, 2009


I wasn't able to come on Friday. Guess Why? ill give you a hint i was sick.(cough cough) I still have a runny nose but it think that its just allergies. well there goes my excuse (achoo) oh god.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Emoticons and Acronyms

OMG! Last weekend we went to my cousins house. My cousin tried jumping the gate , and FYI he started to :' after he fell and twisted his leg. And we were all ROFL. We were all :0 because then he started ROFL. We just headed towards 7 eleven to get some Slurpies. We all got : ) when we saw that my dad was already at the store so that meant that we didnt have to pay for our Slurpies. I decided to buy a big cake just for me and i ate it all JKJKJK. We got home and my auntie started to worry and we all started to ROFL again and again and again. So he eventually said that the pain was gone but he was still limping.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Madea Goes to Jail

If you are looking for a comedy for the family this should be the movie you should see. It talks about how Madea goes to jail after she got in big big trouble. She then later meets new friends a lady who murdered 18 men and she seems really nice. But the story just isnt about her...


I actually went to the potluck a little bit of people=more food, though i got full when i finished my first plate. after the Potluck i went to my friends "party" and it was kind of fun.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


It gets really hot these days specially when all of a sudden the air conditioning turns off. I like it better when it's cold WINTER COME BACK, YOU COULD BLAME IT ALL ON ME!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brain Pop Video: Aliens

We still have no idea if there is aliens, the only planets we explore are the ones in our solar system and they havent found any aliens. By the way is scored 7

Friday, July 31, 2009

Brain Pop Video: Frankenstein

Frankenstein isn't just one movie it has come out dozens of times. It all starts with a book and it is in form of letters in which the person sends letters to his sister talking to her about his expedition. So Victor as a scientist who is desperate to discover the secret of life puts together a person made out of human remains. I scored 6 out of 10.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brain Pop Video: Harry Potter

There is 7 Harry Potter books in total. He goes to Hogwarts a private magical school. He is a orphan after his parents died, and has to stay with his uncle and aunt who really dont like him. I scored 9 out of 10.

Monday, July 27, 2009


OMG!!! I like donuts

Thursday, July 23, 2009


My little brother will turn 6 years old on Sunday. My uncles are coming. (YAY) Happy birthday to you- Manny.

America's Got Talent

America's got Talent is a really cool show. Some really talented people come out signing, dancing, magicians, and much more. The auditions are over but the chosen people get to go to Las Vegas.

Brain Pop Video: Sleep

When you sleep your breathing slows down and your muscles relax. All mammals and birds sleep. Depends on animal how much they sleep. I scored 9 out of 10.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yesterday my auntie called from Mexico saying that she, my uncle and my cousins might come visit us in December that is really cool. They came 2 months ago, and that was the fist time in 14 years my mom had seen my auntie (my moms sister). YAY YAY YAY YAY

Brain Pop Video: Aids

Aids is short for Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and it is a disease that damages the bodies imune system. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. I scored 8 out of 10.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Power Point

My topic for the power point will be about a box. A new kid goes to school with a box, and you need to find out what is it...

Week end

I really don't think ill do anything in the weekend. Maybe watch some movies come back Tuesday and write reviews on them.

Brain Pop Video: Dreams

The average person dreams about two hours a day, but dreaming is still a big Mystery. in ancient myths a dream world is where we go when we fall asleep. I scored 6 out of ten.

Brain Pop Video: Boogers

Boogers are a natural Byproduct of the imune system. If you make boogers it means that your Imune System is working reall well. I scored 6 out of 10.

Brain Pop Video: Blogs

A blog could be many things but mainly it is a website written in journal style. Blog is shorter for Weblog. It is used as a journal or diary online, and they first stated in the mid-1990's. I scored 8 out of 10.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

TMZ- Beyond Twisted

I like Beyond Twisted because it is FUNNY! They get videos from all over and then show them on national T.V. There was a video of a baby who decided to kiss a snake. She kissed the snake and did not get bitten. As if know Beyond Twisted is my favorite show.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Brain Pop Video: Yo-Yo Ma

Yo-Yo Ma is a Chinese Musician who is known for his mastery in the cello. He was just 5 Years old when he gave his first recital. His mother was a singer and his dad was a violinist. i got 5 out of 10 that sucks.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brain Pop Video: Cameras

Every camera has lenses they are round pieces of glass or plastic they work together to focus light. When you take a picture the shutter opens and closes which is why it's a little door.The color red, blue, and green are the primary colors. I got 6 out of 10.

P.S Dont let Moby get a hold of your camera.

Brain Pop Video: MP3

I saw the Brain Pop video in MP3 i learned that they shrink songs so we could add more songs into them. If sounds are pitched to low or to high you are not able to hear them. If you have the specific software you could turn a CD into a MP3 a.k.a Ripping. I scored 8 out of ten. I also learned that Moby will not let Tim borrow his MP3.

P.S. MP3 stands for Mpeg 1 audio layer-3.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sad News

I didn't get to see Ice Age because my little brother got my brother and me in trouble so i might be going for next week maybe...

Leslie Comes Back

Yeah finally Leslie becomes a service worker again it was kind of wierd because she is fun.