Thursday, August 20, 2009


I wasn't able to come on Friday. Guess Why? ill give you a hint i was sick.(cough cough) I still have a runny nose but it think that its just allergies. well there goes my excuse (achoo) oh god.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Emoticons and Acronyms

OMG! Last weekend we went to my cousins house. My cousin tried jumping the gate , and FYI he started to :' after he fell and twisted his leg. And we were all ROFL. We were all :0 because then he started ROFL. We just headed towards 7 eleven to get some Slurpies. We all got : ) when we saw that my dad was already at the store so that meant that we didnt have to pay for our Slurpies. I decided to buy a big cake just for me and i ate it all JKJKJK. We got home and my auntie started to worry and we all started to ROFL again and again and again. So he eventually said that the pain was gone but he was still limping.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Madea Goes to Jail

If you are looking for a comedy for the family this should be the movie you should see. It talks about how Madea goes to jail after she got in big big trouble. She then later meets new friends a lady who murdered 18 men and she seems really nice. But the story just isnt about her...


I actually went to the potluck a little bit of people=more food, though i got full when i finished my first plate. after the Potluck i went to my friends "party" and it was kind of fun.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


It gets really hot these days specially when all of a sudden the air conditioning turns off. I like it better when it's cold WINTER COME BACK, YOU COULD BLAME IT ALL ON ME!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brain Pop Video: Aliens

We still have no idea if there is aliens, the only planets we explore are the ones in our solar system and they havent found any aliens. By the way is scored 7